Tag Archives: Writerly things


I had the happiest hour with Lauren Becker after work yesterday.  We did some people-watching at a yuppie bar, drank some good booze and chatted about writerly things.

We got pretty excited chatting about writerly things, since it’s an area of shared interest.  We talked about editing, about the existential angst of publishing, about thematic obsessions, and tossed around a really exciting idea for a collaborative project.

But then we were like WAIT.  WTF is wrong with us?  We’re being huge suckers.  Why aren’t we talking about the single most important element of any writer’s craft?  What the hell good are technique and collaborations gonna do us when we haven’t even bothered to create our own iconic images yet?  For christsake, how can we ever expect to be taken seriously if we use our real, full names?  Clearly, we had work to do.

And so, it is with great pleasure that I introduce Marnie U. and Heather W.  They’re about to take the literary world by storm.




Let the cult-like status begin.